On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, u15074 wrote: > I have a small test program (using libpq) inserting a lot of data into the > database. Each command inserts a small large object (about 5k) into the database > and inserts one row into a table, that references the large object oid. > I repeat this 100.000 times. Each insert consists of his own transaction (begin > -> insert large object, insert row -> commit ...). I also measure the time taken > for always 100 inserts. > The performance is ok and stays constant over the whole time. But I have the > following effect: from time to time a short interruption occurs (my test program > is standing still for a moment) and then it goes on. > Has anyone an idea what might cause these pauses? Is it due to caching > mechanisms of the database? > Another question is concerning the reading of the written data. When I finished > the test, I used psql to check the written data. Therefore I started some > queries, searching for certain large objects in pg_largeobject (... where loid = > XX). These queries took very much time (about 5 seconds or more). After calling > vacuum on the database, the queries got fast. Can anyone explain this? Is the > index on pg_largeobject built by calling vacuum? >
Never used large objects but I guess its like everything else. Vacuum changes nothing (except rubbish its a garbage collection routine). Analyse however looks at the table and decides which indexes are worth using in which querys. There are times like if there are only 5 records in a table where reading the entire table is quicker that reading the index and then reading the right bit of the table. If the statisics created by analyse are out of date a analyse will be required. When to run what. Analyse Needs to be run when the data structure has changed. That means that the data distribution has changed. Also need to be run when the indexes change. If your table is constatnly changing but the structure does not really change. (ie status data or logs) a daily analyse may be advisable in case the structure is changing very slowly.... Vacuum Need to be run after deletes and updates (a delete is actually a delete and an insert) if you do it with verbose on. Look at the vac number if it is big you need to do it more often if its zero you can probably get away with less often. Should be done on a table by table bases. If possible durring a quite period. (if no quite periods are available do it more often as it will be quicker. Vaccum does not need to be done on static tables. however a vacuum will not harm it and may help after the initial insert. Vacuum Full The file system equivlent is defrag. Needs to be done if Unused (from vacuum) has grown too big. It also means that you need to vacuum more often. Vacuum Full will lock your table while it works so will stop any clients using the table. If you find your self vacuum fulling the whole database you may be better off dumping the database and rebuilding. This is the information I have gathered from reading this and the other postgres newsgroups over the last few months. I would surgest that somthing like this was added to the manual. If I'm wrong (which I probably am) I'm sure somone will correct me. Peter Childs ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend