Dear all,
I have a strange problem.Document says that one can create a temporary table in a session. I had created a temporary table in languge plpgsql.(Actually in a procedure). After completing my task I droped a table within a seesion(In same Function). Now problem arises. When I again calles that stored procedure (Function) then it says relation does not exist . What may be the cause of that problem. It is urgent. I need ed thi function as internal function so it called again and again.
I had attached Code as well as error.
I am Using RedHat 7.1, Postgresql 7.1.2
Dinesh Parikh
NSTL, New Delhi
Function code.
Drop Function TestTempTable()
Create Function TestTempTable()
Returns Int4 As '
    DBFirst    Int4;
    DBRec      Record;
    Create Temporary Table Dual(FirstCol Int4);
    Insert Into Dual Values(12);     
    Insert Into Dual Values(13);     
    Insert Into Dual Values(14);     
    For DBRec In
        Select FirstCol From Dual
        Raise Notice ''Column Value = %'',DBRec.FirstCol;
    End Loop;
    Drop Table Dual;
    Return 0;
'language 'plpgsql';
Error Appeared. 
When First time run
Jurassik=# select TestTempTable();
NOTICE:  Column Value = 12
NOTICE:  Column Value = 13
NOTICE:  Column Value = 14
(1 row)
When Second time run
Jurassik=# select TestTempTable();
ERROR:  Relation 161414 does not exist

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