I was going to suggest this last week amd now it looks like it might be
more important. (There was a namserver problem with this account soI
never got Bruce's original post - just the replys/follow-ups.)
Well since I got layed off last December it has been interesting trying
to find employment in the wilds of north Idaho and eastern Washington
(USA). Moving isn't an option at this time so I've been doing the
Internet job search thingy. A few months ago the perl programming
community set up a mailing list for sending out job announcements to
those interested and a website (jobs.perl.org) if you just want to
search. The nice thing about it is there have been several telecommute
jobs - plus many onsite jobs.
With a background in database design, a proclivity for perl, and needing
employment I was thinking a similar set up for the PostgreSQL community
would be ideal.
I didn't see anything on the PostgreSQL web site and I've never seen
mention of a similar type of service. Would this be of interest to the
A small clue and no money
will get you further than
lots of money and no clue.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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