Hi Alex,

Saying that mod_perl is slower than any java apps is purely marketing
for java. An other guy told me that one day, I just bench it to show him
how java developper just talk marketing. So the result was that with small
users the performance was the same and with many user mod_perl is
really speediest. Secondly mod_perl doesn't crash the system, under Linux
using Java is a waste of time and a leak of memory ! Marketing is probably
why daniel talk about Win$

When first Java was out it was called the "Perl killer", so after many years
Perl is most uses than Java, ask you why ???

For your other words what you do in Java can be done in perl more quickly
more efficiently and with writing many less lines !

An other example is the Oracle XML/SQL Servlet that it was plan to use
in my company. After hearing too many marketing words I write the same
in perl in 3 days and extend the possibility with no limits. Now they're using
Perl, ask you why ? This is use in the entreprise commercial application that
I think you call entreprise level !

At this time Perl is the only really portable language over any OS.

In my opinion PL/Java is purely a waste of time but some have time so why not !

Sorry but I can not let you say words like that, we are not newbe :-(

In your way I can tell you that before using Perl I also preach for Java :-)
after rewritten many time the same apps with the differents versions of Java
and the OS where it should work it ended to decide me: no more Java !


Gilles Darold

Alex Knight wrote:

> Daniel, thank you kindly for your input.
> However, mod_perl is absolutely slower than most any j2ee application.
> If all you are doing is keeping a session variable to count number of hits
> on a web page, then sure, perl is more than sufficient, possibly faster.
> But when you start doing anything of importance, enterprise level stuff,
> you need something scalable in ways java can go, but perl just doesn't
> seem to have _easy_ or sometimes _existant_ ways to implement.
> How would you go about synchronizing session data on 10 application servers
> running mod_perl _without_ using the database to "mirror" that data in
> memory? It's not very difficult to do it in Java. (Ofcourse, any smart
> architect would use content switches generally to keep a remote user
> associated with the initial app server to reduce the necessity of such
> "replication" technologies).
> Not sure how you are associating me with windows, but no, all my server
> stuff is always *nix. My answer on awt and swing was in reference to
> someone else who was basing their opinion of java on awt/swing's
> capabilities. Regardless, "applets" using awt/swing can be easily run
> under Linux Mozilla or Netscape, or HotJava, etc. So you can't really
> say that's enough to assume we're talking about windows.
> -Knight

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