On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 08:59:53AM -0400,
  Mike Arace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2) More importantly, is it possible to prevent a customer from peeking into 
> said database once it is deployed on their machine?  A large part of what 
> makes my application proprietary is the data model in the database, and it'd 
> be tough to maintain a competative edge when everyone can see exactly how I 
> do things in the database by logging into their postgres account, adding 
> some users and changing permissions on their machine.  I really need to make 
> sure the database is bulletproof before I can begin deployment.

I don't think that the above is going to be technically possible if the code
is running on machines controlled by your users.

My guess is that either the database has to be run on your machines or
you need some contract that legally prevents your customers from telling
anyone about your data model.

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