
The server does not have a concept of error codes currently (it is on 
the TODO list).  Therefore the JDBC driver has no error code to report 
since it doesn't get one from the backend. When the server supports 
error codes the JDBC driver will as well.


Wieger Uffink wrote:
> Hi,
> Im accessesing a postgreSQL db through JDBC, and I would like take make
> use of the method, getErrorCode in the SQLException class as in
> java.sql.
> So far I have been able to retreive exception messages but not the error
> codes in case of an SQL exception.
> I would like to know if postgreSQL propegates any errorcodes at all,
> since I found some post earlier on this list saying it was not
> implemented, but that post didnt refer to any specific version. If it is
> could someone also point out to me where these codes are defined?
> I could ofcourse base my excepion handling on the messages but I'd
> rather use codes.
> thanks in advance,
> Wieger

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