I'm a newbie in the postgreSQL world, so if I'm asking what's rather
straightforward, I appologize.
This is what I'm trying to do: my collegue and I have set up three
postgreSQL databases; he has set it up on Linux RedHat 6.2, and I've
been working on RedHat 6.2 as well on Solaris 7. We are trying to
transfer all the data from his database to mine (my primary database is
on Solaris). So, we consulted the docs, and he has used the command:
pg_dumpall > backups/2001-06-04db.out
and sent me that file. But, when I try to load it to my database, I get
the error message:
obonjan[postgres-> ~/tmp]%psql -f 2001-08-21db.out
You are now connected to database template1.
'sql:2001-08-21db.out:5: ERROR: copy: line 1, Bad abstime external
representation '\N
psql:2001-08-21db.out:5: PQendcopy: resetting connection
I thougth, it might be something to do with Solaris, but on Linux, like
expected, the same error.
What amd I doing wrong? Please, contact me directly, since I'm not on
the mailing list.
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