I think someone pointed out not long ago that that naming convention isn't
always 100% reliable.  How about creating the sequence dynamically (using that
naming convention even), then create the table dynamically and have it
explicitly use the sequence you just created.  That way you *know* the name of
the sequence; should probably check to be sure the name isn't already in use, or
trap for errors when creating the sequence and adjust accordingly.

Gordan Bobic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/15/2001 04:14:02 AM

To:   Wieger Uffink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   PostgreSQL-General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] nextval, sequences and sequencenames

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Wieger Uffink wrote:

> My question:
> is there anyway of retreiving the sequence_name corresponding to the
> respective column,
> knowing just the tablename and columnname?
> The reason I need to do this, is because the application I write
> dynamicly creates new tables, and I have no way of knowing the sequence
> name before hand.

Try "tablename_fieldname_seq". That is the default sequence name for a
"serial" field.



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