I think you should look into the documentation for your particular 
interface.  We generally use PHP as an interface.  We use the pg_exec 
function to create an indexed result set from a connection and 
statement.  Then we iterate through each indexed row, calling 
pg_fetch_array so we can manipulate and display returned values.

Hope this answers your question!


At 11:03 PM 7/28/01 +0200, Svenne Krap wrote:

>is there any way to get the number of the tuple in the result set...
>in Oracle you can write
>select rownum, * from mytable;
>and then get (handmade example) :
>rownum | id | name
>1       | 27| John Dow
>2       | 09 | Jane Dow
>3       | 11 | Bugs Bunny

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