I have inherited a database apparently set up using postgres7.0.2.  I 
now want to dump the database in preparation for tidying up and 
upgrading to the current version of postgresql.  However, pg_dumpall 

pg_dumpall >db.out
getInherits(): SELECT failed.  Explanation from backend: 'ERROR:  
Attribute 'inhrel' not found

A previous message in this list proposed that this error was generated 
when a version 6 database is dumped using version 7 software.  I think 
this is unlikely to be the explanation here (for example, psql 7.0.2 
reads the database without complaint), but it is a possibility.  My 
questions for the list:

1. How do I find the version numbers of (a) the database and (b) the 
pg_dump code, given that I am not certain about their past history.

2.  More importantly, how do I work around the error, so that I can dump 
the database and move up to version 7.1?



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