Hi Mark, This is being worked on now.  I believe the 7.2 release will have 
enable you to run a vacuum with no downtime.


At 03:39 PM 7/11/01 -0600, Mark wrote:

>Is Postgresql ready for 24/7 uptime?  Our tests have shown that vacuumdb
>requires downtime, and if one does this nightly as suggested, well, one has
>downtime, 40+ minutes in our case.
>My company wants to replace MS SQL Server with PostgreSQL, but we can't
>afford downtime to do database maintenance.  Is it possible that we are doing
>something wrong?
>What are the plans for future versions of pgsql?  Will vacuum be optomized or
>otherwise enhanced to execute more quickly and/or not lock tables?
>I posted more details to the hackers list.
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