On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Ryan C. Bonham wrote:

> Here is how I successfully converted out SQL 7.0 Database to PostgreSQL..
> Hope someone finds it useful, it needs to be rewritten, it was basically a
> bunch of notes I put in a very poor outline.. If anyone wants to rewrite it
> feel free, if not I will when I get a chance. Anyways here it is, I attached
> it as a RTF file..
There are several ways described in the archive of the mailing-list.
Additionally I found a way that a co-worker of mine which deals with
MS-SQL-Server did an output of the database structure in this, what
MS calls plain SQL.  There are diffences (they use "go" instead of
a ";" in the end of a command) and there are some syntax differnces.
I tried a little perl-script written by myself to change the main
syntactical differences.  (And no, I donīt want to post it here
because it is all things strating wuth 'u' like: ugly, untested,
unsupported, ...)

Kind regards


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