True, true... but the next time I need the code to fire I would need ot remember that 
I had set it to 1 and set it to something else...

Ian A. Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
(253) 798-3549

>>> Rene Pijlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/26/01 01:56AM >>>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Ian Harding") schreef:
>UPDATE mytable SET myfield = myfield WHERE...
>to fire an update trigger, and executing only the code in that 
>trigger surrounded by UPDATE(myfield).

So you update a field by not changing its value, to execute a piece of
code that has nothing to do with the field and the value :-)

>Is there an easy way to duplicate this, or should I work around it?

Isn't it easier (and more poratble) to add a dummy field to the table?
Then you can do:

   UPDATE mytable
   SET dummy = 1 - dummy
   WHERE ...

to execute the piece of code that responds to an update of 'dummy'.

René Pijlman 

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