This is a guess - have you tried:

SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '3 months'::interval

let me know if it works!


At 05:49 PM 5/15/01 +0900, hiroko wrote:

hi all.
from a DB table, I'd like to SELECT out the date of 3months before.
the command should be
=> select * from MYTBL where time =XXXXXX ;
what whould it like to be at XXXXX ?
I thought that I can use the type of 'today', which is meant to be the 0:00am of the day.
or 'current' or things like this. but how can you make it "0:00am of three days ago"?
also, if you know about it,
I'd like to know about the difference between 'current' and 'now'.
thanks about that.
hiroko ogawa

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