> 1. Speed
> 2. Data Reliability

 The  two above  depend very  much (IMHO)  on SYSDBA's  skills. IB  and its
descendants has, probably, less options  to tweak, or, more correctly, less
obvious ways to improve its performance.
 OTOH,  if you  have strong  theoretical RDBMS  bacground and  considerable
practical  experience  with  either,   you'll  find  that  performance  and
stability tips and tricks for IB and PGSQL are very similar.

> 3. Portability

 Does that  really matter?  What are you  going to port?  The code  of DBMS
server itself? Some of the accompanied tools? Your data? If you're going to
run a  busy site with  a huge  DB, portability is  the last thing  to worry
about. It's  more important,  IMHO, to  pick the  right platform  at design



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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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