On Thu, 3 May 2001, Renaud Thonnart wrote:

> Thank you Einar and Colin for your help.
> I have some little qusetions more :
> - How do I interpret a VACUUM ANALYSE ?
> - I'm going to load version 7.1 : what is the difference between 7.1 and
> 7.1rc4 ?
7.1rc4 is the fourth release candidate. 7.1 is the final release. So you
should use 7.1.

You just send "VACUUM ANALYZE" command to the backend. The vacuum analyze
deletes rows, which are marked as unused and recreates the statistics
about the table. Its use is essential (one time in 2-48h, or after large
modifications), keeps the database running smoothly. You use vacuum
analyze as any other command eg (using libpq++):

PgDatabase data;

data.ExecTuplesOk("MISC SQL QUERY")

// when you need it
data.ExecCommandOk("VACUUM ANALYZE");

I think that it is better to do the vacuuming server side, if the
application doesn't change a large amount of data.

- Einar Karttunen

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