On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Clayton Vernon wrote:

> Joel-
> In all fairness, there aren't any good HTML-based Unix tutorials. I've
> looked for them. In particular, Sun is worthless here, curious since their
> Java tutorial is (IMO) really well done.
> I'm hoping PostgreSQL is MORE stable than Oracle in our Solaris environment.
> The massive CPU/disk footprint of Oracle generates reliability errors in our
> databases which I hope can be avoided in a leaner package.

I remember struggling for days to install Oracle 8i on a 192MB laptop
(don't ask why... fscking client requirement). Yeeks.

> This marvelous mailing list really gives me confidence.

Yep. Overall, I think PG offers *great* online support.

Some possible places to start looking:


Does anyone have a copy of the O'Reilly book

"Unix for Oracle DBAs Pocket Reference"

This might be the kind of information that would be helpful.


Eric Raymond has 

"Unix and Internet Fundamentals" HOWTO at


>From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO 


4) The Linux Reading List HOWTO


Joel Burton   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington

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