Dale Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I use the 'hash' type as queries regarding usage will always be of the
> form "select ...... where username='xxx';"

Use a btree anyway.  Postgres' btree implementation is much better than
its hash index implementation.

> insert into sumlog 
>       select  s.username,
>                 to_char(timestamp(h.time_stamp),'YYYY-MM') as date,
>                 sum(h.acctsessiontime),
>                 sum(float8(h.acctinputoctets)/1000000),
>                 sum(float8(h.acctoutputoctets)/1000000)
>         from subscribers as s,history as h 
>       where s.username=h.username 
>       group by s.username,date;

> This works fine, but as the database size is constantly growing the
> summary table takes a while to calculate...

What plan does EXPLAIN show for this query?

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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