On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Paul Tomblin wrote:

> Is the "BETWEEN" clause inclusive or exclusive?  ie if I say "WHERE
> latitude BETWEEN 45 and 55", will I get examples where the latitude equals
> 45 or not?  Also, is "latitude BETWEEN 45 and 55" any more efficient than
> "latitude >= 45 AND latitude <= 55", or is it just a stylistic thing?

yes, yes, and no:

select 'exclusive' where 2 between 1 and 3;

test=# select 'inclusive' where 1 between 1 and 3;

test=# create view its_really_the_same_thing as select true where 1
between 1 and 3;

test=# \d its_really_the_same_thing
View definition: SELECT 't'::bool WHERE ((1 >= 1) AND (1 <= 3));

Joel Burton   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington

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