On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 10:16:06AM +0100, hmidi slim wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Full Text search and I'm interested on using spelling dictionary.
> I found a website that has a special functionality, for example when I
> enter the word 'activities' it gives me the suggestions containing this
> word. But when I enter the word 'activityns' it returns 'No result for
> 'activityns'' But it gives me some suggestions contained the word
> 'activities'.
> In cas I entered the word 'activityng' it returns the same message 'No
> result for 'activityng' ' But I got some suggestions containing the word
> 'activity'.
> Does this the behaviour of the lspell dictionary, because I didn't
> understand how does he give suggestions when the word is wrong.

You can try pg_trgm extension [1].

Also we have a little demo web-site [2]. It uses pg_trgm. You can look at its 
code [3].

1 - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/pgtrgm.html#idm46428634444576
2 - 
3 - https://github.com/postgrespro/apod_fts/blob/master/apod.py

Arthur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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