On 11/8/2017 6:25 PM, Igal @ Lucee.org wrote:
On 11/8/2017 5:27 PM, Allan Kamau wrote:
Maybe using NUMERIC without explicitly stating the precision is recommended. This would allow for values with many decimal places to be accepted without truncation. Your field may need to capture very small values such as those in bitcoin trading or some banking fee or interest.

That's a very good idea.  For some reason I thought that I tried that earlier and it didn't work as expected, but I just tested it (again?) and it seems to work well, so that's what I'll do.

Another weird thing that I noticed:

On another column, "total_charged", that was migrated properly as a `money` type, when I run `sum(total_charged::money)` I get `null`, but if I cast it to numeric, i.e. `sum(total_charged::numeric)`, I get the expected sum result.

Is there a logical explanation to that?


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