On 10/11/17 14:18, rverghese wrote:
> I'm testing out logical replication on PostgreSQL 10. Is there a setting to
> make subscribers read-only slaves like with Slony. Currently I can insert
> into the Publisher and the Subscriber. If there is a conflict, i.e. same
> record exists in both, then all replication gets backed up (even to other
> tables) till that one record is resolved.

Right now there is no direct way to do that.  The other answers have
suggested some workarounds.  It might be a valuable feature to implement
something like that.  One would just have to think through exactly how
to present this in the user interface.

Another longer-term solution here is to implement conflict resolution
mechanisms.  So if you don't like local updates to break the incoming
replication stream, a remote-update-wins policy would help.

Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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