On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:08 AM, Mark Lybarger <mlybar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have this bash/sql script which outputs some curl commands.  the
> backticks causes it to get interpreted by the shell.   This works fine if
> there is one result, but when there are many rows returned, it looks like
> one shell command.
> any help on getting multiple rows returned to be executed by the shell
> would be appreciated!
> thanks!
> `psql -P "tuples_only=on" -h ${DB_HOST} -d ${DB_NAME} -U ${DB_USER} -c
> "select 'curl -X POST http://${REGISTER_HOST}:8080/' || source_id ||
> '/${MT}/' || model || '/' || site || '/backoffice/register' from
> myschema.events where source_id = $SOURCE_ID and ineffective_date is null"`
​You will need to, instead, "SELECT source_id, model, site​ FROM ..." to
return the raw record data to bash and then use bash's loop facilities to
dynamically generate and execute the curl command.

A second option, that I've never tried, is returning the full string but
not within a backtick command, then using bash looping simply invoke the
string like a normal command.

David J.

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