
No worries, after work I will start with some surveys about how to package 
Postgres extension, and get it onto pgxn.


-------- Original Message --------

> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Alternative to pgAdmin Postgres Manager that support 
> pgagent (jobs)
> Local Time: October 21, 2017 9:18 PM
> UTC Time: October 21, 2017 8:18 PM
> From:
> To: Juliano <>
> <>
> Happy to hear jpgAgent is working alright for you. If you have any
> questions with it feel free to ask me.
> If you do want to help with pgAutomator, that sounds like something
> you could start to learn on. jpgAgent is pretty much feature complete
> as far as my needs go, and no one has requested any additional
> features, so i'd rather spend any new time on pgAutomator.
> So one thing I know I need, is to figure out how to package a Postgres
> extension, and get it onto pgxn. The database portion of pgAutomator
> is pretty complete at this point, so it'd be nice to learn how to
> package it up even if I don't end up publishing it until I get a UI in
> place. I'll have to look, but i'm sure there are plenty of small
> tasks that can be done with the agent itself as well.

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