Frank Millman wrote:
>  On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:

>  > Something is not adding up here.  Can you EXPLAIN ANALYZE the 26 minute
>  > query?

>  Here it is -

There is one thing I have not mentioned. I am pretty sure it has no effect on 
the outcome, but just in case, here it is.

The underlying physical tables, ‘ar_tran_inv’, ‘ar_tran_crn’, and 
‘ar_tran_rec’, have this index declared -

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _ar_tran_inv ON ar_tran_inv (tran_number) WHERE 
deleted_id = 0;

and similar for the other two tables.

I have not included the column ‘deleted_id’ in the VIEW ‘ar_trans’, so I cannot 
add ‘WHERE deleted_id = 0’ to any queries.

This could mean a slow result if sorting by ‘tran_number’ or joining on 

However, as this particular query joins on ‘tran_type’ (a literal string) and 
‘tran_row_id’ (the primary key to the underlying table), I don’t think  it 
causes a problem.

[UPDATE] I actually tried adding ‘deleted_id’ to the VIEW, and including it in 
the WHERE clause, but the timings did not improve.


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