On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 5:48 AM, Peter Koukoulis <pkoukou...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I have a query where a filter would always be negative, how many steps,
> out these:
>    - parsing and syntax check
>    - semantic analysis
>    - transformation process (query rewrite based on system or
>    user-defined rules)
>    - query optimization
>    - execution
> would be performed or not? Also, where in the documentation can I found
> out which of the above phases would be performed?
> For example, for a query such as the following:
> select x,y from test1 where 1=0;
I'm inferring behavior here but...​

​All of them.  You are still going to get a result set with zero records
and the correct column structure.  i.e., "Execution".  None of the other
stuff can be skipped in getting to engine to that point.  With a "always
false" predicate and that simple of a query structure most of the other
stuff, including execution, is probably performed is seemingly zero time
but it still has to work through that step of the process - if nothing else
than to move through an if-branch to decide that nothing material needs to
be done.

David J.

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