On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:36 PM, James Sewell <james.sew...@jirotech.com> wrote:
> When Iook at timeline 15 I see this:
> 20      C74/45000000    no recovery target specified+

This refers to timeline 20. Are there other entries in this history
file? Isn't timeline 15 a direct parent of timeline 20?

> As 0000001500000C73000000A9 > 0000001500000C7400000044  I'm confused why
> this WAL would be required? It's never been created on either server
> (although the same suffix does exist in timeline 14).

Your math is incorrect here. For me 0000001500000C73000000A9 <
0000001500000C7400000044, C73 being generated *before* C74.

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