> On Sep 16, 2017, at 11:18 AM, Rafal Pietrak <ra...@ztk-rp.eu> wrote:
> Dear robjsarg...@gmail.com,
> W dniu 16.09.2017 o 17:19, Gmail pisze:
>>> On Sep 16, 2017, at 8:23 AM, Rafal Pietrak <ra...@ztk-rp.eu> wrote:
>>> W dniu 16.09.2017 o 15:45, Adam Brusselback pisze:
>>>> Here is the last discussion I saw on
>>>> it: 
>>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/90261791-b731-a516-ab2a-dafb97df4464%40postgrespro.ru#90261791-b731-a516-ab2a-dafb97df4...@postgrespro.ru
>>>> <https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/90261791-b731-a516-ab2a-dafb97df4464%40postgrespro.ru#90261791-b731-a516-ab2a-dafb97df4...@postgrespro.ru>
>>> I can see the discussion is packed with implementation details. That's
>>> promising :)
>>> Thenx!
>> For those of us scoring at home, here's what I have:
>> 1 You have a 6-deep hierarchy over 17 document types
>>    you concede that standard master-detail/inheritance accomplishes what you 
>> need w.r.t to documents
> I do have 17 "process tables" ... they are "class-B" tables, they DONT
> need any hierarchy. One of them contain payment details and has FK do a
> document (in one of the 12 tables of "class-A", which are in 6 levels of
> hierachy) which this payment covers. They get multiplicated ONLY because
> PK in those 12 "class-A" tables must be accessed separately. And those I
> have. It goes like this:
> CREATE TABLE T1 (id int, b date);    -- level 1
> CREATE TABLE T4 (e text, tm date) INHERITS (T1);
> CREATE TABLE T5 (f text) INHERITS (T1); -- level 2
> CREATE TABLE T6 (ca text) INHERITS (T2);
> CREATE TABLE T7 (db text, db2 text) INHERITS (T3);
> CREATE TABLE T8 (ec text, db4 test) INHERITS (T4);
> CREATE TABLE T9 (fd text) INHERITS (T5); -- level 3
> CREATE TABLE T10 (db11 text) INHERITS (T7); -- level 4
- quick question: do you have more than one table inheriting from T2?

We all skin cats different ways, of course.
Often with such things, especially with ORM tools, one puts a "type"  field in 
the master table indicating which exact implementation if referenced for each 
row. Helps in reporting counts as well.   I assume the columns "c text" are 
just placeholders for discussion, not the actual structure.   
> ... still counting? And I haven't yet touch any of the 12 leaf tables
> I'm using.
>> 2 You don't have enough document instances to warrant partitioning
> I don't. My couple of thousands of documents is just nothing. I don't
> have "enough documents" (that's why I say I can live with a performance
> hit). true, true, true.
> But I do have enough document-content variety for that. I could collapse
> some of the hierarchy at the expense of some columns getting NULL for
> certain rows - but that's just nonesens. I'm not doing that.
We pick our poisons, I guess.  I sure might be tempted to denormalize some of 
those if it made life much easier/faster.  Hard to say from what's been 
presented - still assuming we're seeing pseudo-tables.
>> 3 Your remaining problem is your workflow
> Sorry I don't understand this point.

I meant that your document tables are fine (as described above) and that you 
were still having trouble with the persistence aspects of what happens to the 
>> 4 You have an academic interest in multi-table indexing
> Yes. so what?
Nothing.  Just trying to see if I'm following your thread.
> As nobody have tried to advise me to change my schema, from my point of
> view the discussion goes just fine. And I've got some very interesting
> answers. Is there a problem with that?
> What exactly are you trying to say?
> -R
All your documents are represented in your "T1" table.  So your processing can 
always refer to that table - which is excellent.  T1 guarantees unique ids 
across all other T-tables.  Activity related records have no need to be under 
the same unique ID space (though personally I'm a fan of UUID anyway).  I'm not 
seeing where you would benefit from the title of this thread.

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