-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us] 
Sent: 14 September 2017 14:53
To: Rob Northcott <rob.northc...@compilator.com>
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to add new Collation language

Rob Northcott <rob.northc...@compilator.com> writes:
> From: rob stone [mailto:floripa...@gmail.com]
>> On Thu, 2017-09-14 at 11:30 +0000, Rob Northcott wrote:
>>> How can I add a collation language to a Postgres server?
>>> Specifically, I want to create a new database with collation of 
>>> English_United Kingdom.1252 but the only options are C, Posix and 
>>> United States.
>>> This is Postgres 9.6 on Windows server 2012.  The server is Swedish, 
>>> and my user login is set to UK.

>> initdb --locale=en_GB.UTF-8 . . . plus other init options as required.

> Thanks for the reply.  When I try that I get the message "invalid locale name"

>>en_GB.UTF-8 is a Unix-style locale name, it won't help you on Windows.
>>You need something like "English_United Kingdom.1252" on Windows.

>>I'm not sure what you mean by "the only options are" ... are you using some 
>>GUI that >>only offers those options?  If so, this is a shortcoming in that 
>>GUI.  Postgres itself >>should take whatever ctype/collation settings the 
>>underlying system accepts.  You >>could try manually invoking initdb as 
>>above, but with a Windows-style locale name.  >>Or if you want to make a new 
>>database within an existing installation, use CREATE >>DATABASE directly, 
>>setting the LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE options (and selecting a >>matching 

>>                      regards, tom lane

Thanks Tom, using initdb to create a new data directory (cluster?) worked, 
using "English_United..." rather than en_GB as you suggested.

I've never had to do that before - always just used the default Postgres 
installation and selected "English United Kingdom" during the install.  That 
didn't seem to work on this server - it insisted on being United States.  
Anyway, learning how to use the command line is no bad thing.

Thanks for your help.


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