Hi I am unsure as to why the hrs, mins and seconds do not appear for a date column. I am using PostgreSQL 9.6.3 on Linux. When performing the exact same queries in Oracle, I get the full date formatted to "yyyymmddhh24miss", but cannot get the same for PostgreSQL, for example:
ft_node=# create table t3 (a numeric, b varchar(10), d date); CREATE TABLE ft_node=# insert into t3 values (1,'Yellow', to_date('20170827121212','yyyymmddhh24miss')); INSERT 0 1 ft_node=# insert into t3 values (2,'Red', to_date('20170827121213','yyyymmddhh24miss')); INSERT 0 1 ft_node=# select a,b,to_char(d,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') as d from t3; a | b | d ---+--------+---------------- 1 | Yellow | 20170827000000 2 | Red | 20170827000000 (2 rows) In Oracle I get the following: SQL> create table t3 (a numeric, b varchar(10), d date); Table created. SQL> insert into t3 values (1,'Yellow', to_date('20170827121212','yyyymmddhh24miss')); 1 row created. SQL> insert into t3 values (2,'Red', to_date('20170827121213','yyyymmddhh24miss')); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select a,b,to_char(d,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as d from t3; A B D ---------- ---------- -------------- 1 Yellow 20170827121212 2 Red 20170827121213 As you can see, the hrs, mins and seconds appear as was inserted in Oracle, but not for PostgreSQL. Any suggestions? Thanks P