
create table dimc1 
col1 integer not null,
col2 char(10),
primary key (col1)

create table dimc2 
col1 integer not null,
col2 char(10),
primary key (col1)

testdb=# select * from dimc1 order by 1;
 col1 |    col2    
  111 | foo111    
  112 | foo112    
(2 rows)

testdb=# select * from dimc2 order by 1;
 col1 |    col2    
  111 | foo111    
  112 | foo122    
  211 | foo211    

In general it is my understanding it gows like this

insert into dimc1  select * from dimc2  
on conflict (col1) do update 
col2 = EXCLUDED.col2

insert into dimc1  select * from dimc2  
on conflict (col1) do update 
col2 = EXCLUDED.col2 returning *

So far so good

But what if in the conflict situation I want to performa the update ONLY if the 
record is different. The update seems to happen no matter what
In other words is there anyway I can filter the update to happen (based on the 
sample date) only for 112 since col2 is different ? 

testdb=# select * from dimc1 order by 1;
 col1 |    col2    
  112 | foo112    

testdb=# select * from dimc2 order by 1;
 col1 |    col2    
  112 | foo122    


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