John R Pierce <> writes:
> odds are pretty good that...
>     |PQserverVersion|
>     Returns an integer representing the backend version.
>     int PQserverVersion(const PGconn *conn);

> Actually invokes `show server_version_num;'

Just for the record, it doesn't invoke that; it doesn't have to, because
the server sends that info at connection start and libpq just saves it.
But either way should always give the same answer.

>     Applications might use this function to determine the version of the
>     database server they are connected to. The number is formed by
>     converting the major, minor, and revision numbers into
>     two-decimal-digit numbers and appending them together. For example,
>     version 8.1.5 will be returned as 80105, and version 8.2 will be
>     returned as 80200 (leading zeroes are not shown). Zero is returned
>     if the connection is bad.

Hm, we need to update that text for the new 2-part version numbering
scheme, don't we?

                        regards, tom lane

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