Guyren Howe wrote:
On Jul 8, 2017, at 16:11 , Berend Tober <
Guyren Howe wrote:
I’ve a set of interrelated views. I want to drop a column from a table and from
all the views
that cascade from it.
I’ve gone to the leaf dependencies and removed the field from them. But I can’t
remove the
field from the intermediate views because Postgres doesn’t appear to be clever
enough to see
that the leafs no longer depend on the column. Or did I just miss one?
In general, this seems like a major weakness expressing a model in Postgres (I
get that any
such weakness derives from SQL; that doesn’t stop me wanting a solution).
Thoughts? Comments?
This usually involves a pg_dump in the custom format, editing the list file,
creating a script
with pg_restore.
I described a way I have had success with it at one point at
I was wondering if I changed up all the things that interrelate in a
transaction, whether that
would bundle them up so they’re all correct afterward. I was hoping so.
Well, nothing beats empirical evidence ... set up a test case and try it!
You definitely want to do it in a transaction anyway, so that if you get it wrong the first few
times and have to iterate, the data base rolls back to where you started.
Note the method suggested in the earlier link appears to have a error. Step 4
should be
pg_restore -c -1 -L mydatabase.list mydatabase.dump > sql
The lower case "c" flag will include DROP statements for the views. The "1" will wrap in a
transaction, like you want.
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this list ... the server puts the list alias in the CC line, so you have to reply all to keep the
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-- B
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