Tom Lane writes:
> Adrian Klaver <> writes:
> > On 07/04/2017 01:29 PM, Rainer J.H. Brandt wrote:
> >> Good to know.  I removed those options and tried again.
> > Did you run make clean before re-running ./configure?
> Personally I do "make distclean" before changing any configure options.
> I'm not sure how much difference that really makes, but why waste brain
> cells chasing such issues?  Build cycles are cheap.
Right, and it's not the issue here.  I always do each build in a freshly
unpacked source tree.

> The whole thing's odd though --- certainly many people are building
> PG successfully on macOS.  There's got to be something unusual about
> Rainer's build environment, but what?
I thought so, too, but I'm beginning to doubt it.  I'm now down to

  ./configure --prefix=/opt/bb/170705

and the initdb failure is the same.  The build machine is a few months old
and has current OS and Xcode, and certainly no other build tools or other
relevant stuff.  I have no special environment variables set.

It's been a while since I built PG on macOS, but I regularly do on other
operating systems, and haven't had any trouble in a very long time.

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Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt
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