On 06/21/2017 05:30 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 06/21/2017 05:06 PM, Jim Longwill wrote:
On 06/21/2017 01:21 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:
On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Jim Longwill <jlongw...@psmfc.org>
rdev1=# \dd
Object descriptions
Schema | Name | Object | Description
(0 rows)
Nothing user created has comments by default. \dd only shows a very
limited subset of user created objects by default. That you didn't
explicit add comments to any of those types objects is unsurprising.
See the docs for exactly what "\dd" and "\ddS" will consider.
David J.
Ok.. I've tried again using psql \dd.. type commands to locate this
COMMENT object,
including as 'postgres' and in the source database of the tar file
but it does not show up.
Yes.. we have never put in any object comments, so it must have come
in from the postgres
installation. It'll be tough to delete this thing if I can't find
it, but oh well!
Did you try \dL?:
test=> \dL
List of languages
Name | Owner | Trusted | Description
plpgsql | postgres | t | PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpythonu | postgres | f | PL/PythonU untrusted procedural
I won't worry about this much more, but if the system identifies it
as an error then
I thought it was at least worth making the inquiry. Thanks!
--Jim :^)
Ok. Thank you for the input. I do see the 'Description' of plpgsql
there. So, if I can determine the source table(s) of this information
perhaps I could delete that particular value. I tried the following
as per documentation:
But it did not appear to remove the comment/description. will
investigate further..
--Jim :^)
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