I know PG 10 will have support "CREATE STATISTICS.." for this..

..but I wondered if there's a recommended workaround in earlier versions ?

We had two issues:

1) improper estimate caused poor plans (nested loops due to ::date, GROUP BY,
cross-column stats, and maybe more).
2) memory explosion in hash join (due to poor estimate?) caused OOM.

I tried ROW/ARRAY comparison for the correlated columns which seems to do what
I want, acting as a single comparison, rather than two, independent

->  Merge Join  (cost=57811.81..62290.04 rows=114606 width=58) (actual 
time=5174.556..5698.323 rows=204672 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: ((eric_enodeb_cellrelation_metrics.start_time = 
eric_enodeb_cellrelation_metrics_1.start_time) AND 
eric_enodeb_cellrelation_metrics.neigh_sect_id)) = 


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