Alvaro Herrera <> wrote: > ADSJ (Adam Sjøgren) wrote: > >> Our database has started reporting errors like this: >> >> 2017-05-31 13:48:10 CEST ERROR: unexpected chunk number 0 (expected 1) >> for toast value 14242189 in pg_toast_10919630
> Does the problem still reproduce if you revert commit > 6c243f90ab6904f27fa990f1f3261e1d09a11853? I will try and get back to you with the results (building new .deb packages as I type this). Meanwhile, I can report that I have upgraded from 9.3.14 to 9.3.17 and the errors keep appearing the log. We have tried running a function similar to the one described in as suggested by Adrian Klaver, but we haven't been able to get any errors from that. This is the function we have run over our two tables: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_table_a(from_id int, to_id int) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $f$ declare curid INT := 0; rec RECORD; badid INT; detoast TEXT; begin FOR badid IN SELECT id FROM table_a where id >= from_id and id <= to_id LOOP curid = curid + 1; if curid % 10000 = 0 then raise notice '% rows inspected (%, %,%)', curid, badid, from_id, to_id; end if; begin SELECT * INTO rec FROM table_a where id = badid; detoast := substr(rec.fts::text,1,2000); exception when others then raise notice 'data for table_a id: % is corrupt', badid; continue; end; end loop; end; $f$; -- The other function has: -- detoast := substr(vcontent.document,1,2000); -- -- and is otherwise identical. But no 'data for table... is corrupt' is printed. We are only substr()'ing one field (which we know is big) for each row. Should we do so for _all_ fields? Is there an elegant way to do so? Best regards, Adam -- "Lägg ditt liv i min hand Adam Sjøgren Sälj din själ till ett band" -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: