Does anyone have some tips on how to deal with an existing json type column that has some null bytes ( \u0000) in it? It seems like anything I do that touches any row with a null byte just errors. I'd love to just remove them if I could find some way to find them, but I'm having trouble even figuring out how to do that.
This error I get is always: PG::UntranslatableCharacter: ERROR: unsupported Unicode escape sequence DETAIL: \u0000 cannot be converted to text. CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: ...st_name":"efxkerbs","company":"efxkerbs","email":... Convert the column to jsonb -> errors. Trying to find one of the offending rows: select id from xxx where command->'args'->2->>'company' = 'efxkerbs'; - same error on \u0000 select id from issued_crm_commands where command->'args'->2->'company' = '"efxkerbs"':json; - no equality operator between json select id from issued_crm_commands where command->'args'->2->'company'::bytea = 'efxkerbs'::bytea; - no conversion from json to bytea Any ideas on how to find rows with a \u0000 in the json? Tim