> On 10 Jun 2017, at 5:37, Steven Grimm <sgr...@thesegovia.com> wrote:


I notice that you're declaring your ResultSet variable inside the loop, which 
means that you create and destroy it frequently. I've been told that this is a 
pattern that the GC has trouble keeping up with (although that was around the 
Java 5 era), so you might be seeing the effects of memory churn in your client 
instead of in the database.

I modified your function to not do that anymore, does that make a difference?

Note; the long variables are scalar instead of objects. I don't think they need 
the same treatment, but it can't hurt.

>   private static void logTime(String name, PreparedStatement stmt) throws 
> SQLException { 
>     StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(String.format("%-22s", name)); 
>     ResultSet rs;
>     long startTime, endTime;
>     for (int i = 0; i<  20; i++) { 
>       startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
>       rs = stmt.executeQuery(); 
>       while (rs.next()) { 
>         rs.getString(1); 
>       } 
>       endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
>       rs.close(); 
>       out.append(String.format(" %3d", endTime - startTime)); 
>     } 
>     stmt.close(); 
>     System.out.println(out); 
>   } 

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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