Neil Anderson <> wrote:

> I've been exploring the pg_catalog tables and pointed a couple of tools at
> it to extract an ER diagram for a blog post. At first I thought it was a bug
> in the drawing tool but it appears that the relationships between the
> pg_catalog tables are implicit rather than enforced by the database, is that 
> correct?

Every time I have to dive into the pg_* tables, I really want such a diagram 
the relationships aren't obvious to me, so I've been looking for a diagram like 
and haven't found one. I've also considered trying to make one, but with all of 
custom types, my normal ERD tool isn't very cooperative.

Would you be willing to share the diagram with the list when you're done?

Would you be willing to share the names of the tools and process you used to 
create the diagram?


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