> Lots of missing information here ... > > Is there an index on public.sthelens.points?
Yes, there are. lopocs=# \d sthelens; Table "public.sthelens" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+------------+------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('sthelens_id_seq'::regclass) points | pcpatch(2) | morton | bigint | Indexes: "sthelens_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "sthelens_pc_envelopegeometry_idx" gist (pc_envelopegeometry(points)) So two indices, one for the primary key, and a Postgis index on the Postgis geometry returned by the Pointcloud pc_envelopegeometry function. > How many rows are in that table? 30971 > What are your shared_buffers settings? 128 MB (Debian unstable) > How much RAM does the server have? 16 GB > What does EXPLAIN look like for that query? How large (in bytes) are the > tables in question? QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on sthelens (cost=383.26..2496.67 rows=2065 width=32) (actual time=3.213..46.674 rows=2506 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ('01030000207213000001000000050000002E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC1'::geometry && st_geomfromewkb(pc_envelopeasbinary(points))) Filter: _st_intersects('01030000207213000001000000050000002E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC1'::geometry, st_geomfromewkb(pc_envelopeasbinary(points))) Heap Blocks: exact=36 -> Bitmap Index Scan on sthelens_pc_envelopegeometry_idx (cost=0.00..382.75 rows=6196 width=0) (actual time=1.626..1.626 rows=2506 loops=1) Index Cond: ('01030000207213000001000000050000002E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C164910500DF8D4CC12E47BC75CCF941C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C1649105002F8B4CC12E47BC352BFC41C164910500DF8D4CC1'::geometry && st_geomfromewkb(pc_envelopeasbinary(points))) Planning time: 0.525 ms Execution time: 46.999 ms (8 rows) Note that the execution time is 46 ms when the query is wrapped in an explain analyze (while it's 3 s when it's not!) > What does pc_typmod_pcid() actually do? It is one of the simplest functions of Pointcloud. See <https://github.com/pgpointcloud/pointcloud/blob/master/pgsql/pointcloud.sql.in#L44-L47> and <https://github.com/pgpointcloud/pointcloud/blob/eb4fe1e923179ad1ca718d5620b2f41ee1a94886/pgsql/pc_pgsql.c#L132-L139>. > > There are probably lots of other questions I could ask, but those questions > are based on the fact that this _looks_ like a classic cache blowout. I.e., > the query runs quickly when all the related d> ata is in RAM, but is > significantly slower when the data has to be pulled from disk. Answering > the quesitons above will likely help to determine if my guess is correct. I don't know. The query is fast if I run it first on the database connection. And it is *always* very slow after the "select pc_typmod_pcid(1)" query has run. > > If my guess is correct, there are any number of potential ways to improve > things: Add RAM to the machine, enlarge shared_buffers, put a geo index on > public.sthelens.points so it doesn't have to scan the entire table; as a > few examples. It sounds like a performance issue to you, while it sounds like a bug to me :) > > Understanding what pc_typmod_pcid() actually does would help, but even > without that you can test things in a few ways. One would be to substitute > a different query in your testing for select pc_typmod_pcid(1) that is > known to push the contents of public.sthelens out of memory and see if > the behavior is similar. Any count(*) query on some other large table > would probably suffice. A better way would probalby be to install the > pg_buffercache module and see what's actually in the cache at each step > of the testing process. I'll try to use pg_buffercache. Thanks a lot for your response. That at least gives me courage in debugging this :) -- Éric Lemoine Oslandia +33 1 86 95 95 55
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