The goal would be to be able to search case insensitive by any key:value combined with some other columns like outlined below, but initially would be Company:CompuTestSystems A sample would be SELECT * FROM cfg_files_data WHERE cfg_files_data.show_id = 32 AND cfg_files_data.file_id = 123 AND lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company')) = lower('CompuTestSystems'); ; - Table definition Table "csischema.cfg_files_data" Column | Type | Modifiers --------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_data_id | bigint | not null default nextval('cfg_files_data_file_data_id_seq'::regclass) file_id | bigint | not null show_id | bigint | not null file_data_record | jsonb | not null additional_info | jsonb | file_data_add_by | character varying(100) | not null file_data_add_date | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() Indexes: "cfg_files_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (file_data_id, show_id) - show_id, file_id data distribution select show_id, file_id, count(*) from cfg_files_data group by show_id, file_id order by 1; show_id | file_id | count ---------+---------+------- 4 | 9 | 3 4 | 68 | 22 4 | 2 | 6 6 | 3 | 13 6 | 5 | 215 13 | 13 | 13 13 | 8 | 22 21 | 11 | 13 21 | 10 | 22 26 | 12 | 13 30 | 16 | 6 32 | 123 | 53731 35 | 125 | 5 40 | 122 | 53731 46 | 69 | 4 46 | 64 | 4 46 | 67 | 4 46 | 70 | 4 For the example mentioned SELECT * FROM cfg_files_data WHERE cfg_files_data.show_id = 32 AND cfg_files_data.file_id = 123 AND lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company')) = lower('CompuTestSystems'); ; create index cfg_files_data_record_idx on cfg_files_data (show_id, file_id, lower(file_data_record::text)); SELECT * FROM cfg_files_data WHERE cfg_files_data.show_id = 35 AND cfg_files_data.file_id = 125 AND lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company')) = lower('CompuTestSystems'); ; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using cfg_files_data_record_idx on cfg_files_data (cost=0.54..8.57 rows=1 width=359) (actual time=0.287..0.305 rows=5 loops=1) Index Cond: ((show_id = 35) AND (file_id = 125)) Filter: (lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company'::text)) = 'computestsystems'::text) Planning time: 0.271 ms Execution time: 0.370 ms (5 rows) SELECT * FROM cfg_files_data WHERE cfg_files_data.show_id = 32 AND cfg_files_data.file_id = 123 AND lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company')) = lower('CompuTestSystems'); ; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on cfg_files_data (cost=0.00..7276.20 rows=134 width=359) (actual time=194.817..194.848 rows=2 loops=1) Filter: ((show_id = 32) AND (file_id = 123) AND (lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company'::text)) = 'computestsystems'::text)) Rows Removed by Filter: 107829 Planning time: 1.006 ms Execution time: 194.905 ms Shall I understand that prior to apply the lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company'::text)) = 'computestsystems'::text) filtering, it goes by show_id and field_id and for 32,123 since it is way above 5% it gets into a seq scan ? Although the end result is just 2 rows SET enable_seqscan = OFF; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on cfg_files_data (cost=2485.18..8544.40 rows=134 width=359) (actual time=173.314..173.317 rows=2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (show_id = 32) Filter: ((file_id = 123) AND (lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company'::text)) = 'computestsystems'::text)) Rows Removed by Filter: 53729 Heap Blocks: exact=2437 -> Bitmap Index Scan on cfg_files_data_pkey (cost=0.00..2485.15 rows=53743 width=0) (actual time=12.195..12.195 rows=53731 loops=1) Index Cond: (show_id = 32) Planning time: 0.232 ms Execution time: 173.392 ms (9 rows) And that got me to look at SELECT * FROM cfg_files_data WHERE lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company')) = lower('CompuTestSystems'); ; drop index cfg_files_data_record_idx ; create index cfg_files_data_record_idx on cfg_files_data (lower(file_data_record::text)); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on cfg_files_data (cost=0.00..6737.04 rows=539 width=359) (actual time=194.382..194.468 rows=8 loops=1) Filter: (lower((file_data_record ->> 'Company'::text)) = 'computestsystems'::text) Rows Removed by Filter: 107823 Planning time: 0.421 ms Execution time: 194.539 ms Well the end result is 8 rows from a total of 100k+ Not sure why the index is ignored But is is possible to go for a broader search, aka being able to search by any key:value , efficient and case insensitive ? What am I missing in this picture ? Thanks for help Armand