On 2017-05-29 03:24:54 rob stone hacked into the keyboard:
> You only need a single equals sign in SQL.
> SELECT * FROM products WHERE category IN 
>     (SELECT categories.cat FROM categories WHERE 
>     categories.serial = products.category);

I have tried this too, but then I get:

ERROR:  operator does not exist: integer = character varying
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM products WHERE category IN (SELECT categories....

My sql file is:

DROP TABLE categories;
DROP TABLE manufacturers;
DROP TABLE products;

CREATE TABLE categories (
        serial          integer NOT NULL,
        cat             varchar(40),

CREATE TABLE manufacturers (
        serial          integer NOT NULL,
        m_name          varchar(40),
        m_address       varchar(200),
        m_images        varchar(100),
        m_desc          varchar(1000),

CREATE TABLE products (
        serial          integer NOT NULL,
        category        integer NOT NULL,
        manufacturer    integer NOT NULL,
        p_name          varchar(40),
        p_images        varchar(100),
        p_desc          varchar(10000),

This is WHY I am puzzeling arround with the "integer" error.

Michelle Konzack        Miila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer     00372-54541400

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