On 05/24/2017 07:18 AM, Igor Korot wrote:
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:14 AM, Adrian Klaver
<adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:
On 05/24/2017 06:58 AM, Igor Korot wrote:


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 12:09 AM, Adrian Klaver
<adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:

It would help to know what you plan to do with the library.

I am still developing. There fore everything is build in Debug mode.
While on *nix this is not an issue, on Windows it is as it uses different
for Debug and Release.

Therefore I'd like to have a Debug version of the library.

Now building it from source includes installing Perl, which I'd like to
Hence a question of downloading ready-to-use binaries.

Or if they are not publicly available - I will unfortunately have no

Yeah, this is above my level of expertise. I could see this as a new thread
on the list though. Something along lines of 'Suggestions for developing
Postgres on Windows?'. Basically, asking how folks do Postgres development
on Windows.

Well, the problem is that there is no libpq developmental binaries
available for download
for Windows....

Yes, I got that.

Thank you.

Does anybody have a ready-to-use solution for libpq binaries for the
Debug build on Windows?

A good question, but buried in a thread on a different topic. To get fresh eyes on this I would suggest a new post with a different subject.

Thank you.

Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

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