
This idea has been raised more or less before as well as the problems it would 
solve. These are old, but IMHO the problem remains:


But has been more or less discarded as "it's completely against the system 
structure at a number of levels" and "Oracle's approach is bad"

First of all I care mostly about views. These are extremely important and 
working with them in PG is a pain. We have several levels of view dependencies.
In addition to them being important in general, they are twice more important 
in PG where CTE's are optimization boundaries (for whatever reason) and if you 
want a decent plan and clean and easy to read short queries you just have to 
use views.

Want to make some points why I don't agree what has been previously said on 
this topic. 

Here is what I don't agree with (can be found in above links):
"That has some advantages; for example, you can rename a column in some other 
table that the view
uses, and nothing breaks" 
- Robert Haas

"IMO, the way Oracle does this pretty much sucks, and shouldn't be
emulated.  If they know how to recompile the view, why don't they
just do it?  What you describe is about as user-unfriendly as it
- Tom Lane

First of all how I look at this whole thing:

1. PG, not keeping the sources of the views, forces developers to maintain the 
sources externally (SVN, whatever). Not that it is a bad thing, but these 
sources are now logically a part of the database definition. You just need 
them. In oracle you are not forced to keep sources externally.
2. Given 1, In both PG and Oracle you HAVE invalid objects when you change the 
name of a table's column for example. In oracle these invalid objects are 
tracked, reported and recompiled if needed. In PG these invalid objects are the 
mentioned above sources that are kept externally.

To make 2. more clear. After say:

INSERT INTO ttt (VALUES (1),(2),(3));

SELECT * FROM v_ttt; -- returns 1,2,3

-- then :


SELECT * FROM v_ttt; -- still returns 1,2,3

-- This according to Haas is a feature. In my book this is bad. Because the 
actual definition of the view is not what internally PG parsed and stored. The 
actual, important to the developers, definition of the view is stored 
externally in an .sql file in SVN
-- So next time a developer opens this file, fixes a bug in this view, or 
improves it or something. It will be recompiled and it will start using the new 
column and return null, null, null all of a sudden. So which was the expected 
behavior now???

About the second quote by Tom Lane:
If memory serves, they recompile the views, but not automatically. First time 
this view is about to be executed, if it is in an invalid state, the source 
code that is kept internally will be used to recompile it.
Which will propagate to recompiling all other invalid objects it depends on if 
any. If this is successful, all works fine. If not throws an error. Still the 
developer has an option, assuming he knows what he is doing, to not wait for 
this to happen, but ask the db for all invalid objects, and try recompile them 
Again this cannot happen in PG, because the actual definition of the same 
invalid objects (which actually in some cases keep working because of that 
"feature") live outside the database and pg has no idea how they look.

I understand this is one way to think of it. The PG way is that a table's 
column might change its name, but it is still the same column. But this is 
plain wrong. No database developer would ever think of it like this. 
And I don't think above scenario of renaming column and then adding a new one 
with the old name is uncommon.

This whole thing I wrote is just to get to my main point:
If view sources is preserved together with the parsed version (for performance 
reasons). You can:
* change view definition any way you can without having to drop all 100 
dependent views and recreating them again.
* This renaming thing will be more sane. Please if somebody actually ever 
relied on this "feature", prove me wrong. I cannot believe a developer would 
ever benefit from such behavior.
* For lazy people with simpler smaller database in one man projects, might not 
have to keep sources externally

Am I the only one that has problems with working with a lot of views? How do 
you solve these problems? Always drop and  recompile all views that depend on 
something? Granted with time it needs to happen less and less often because 
major changes after some point are not that needed. But especially when 
developing the views initially you often have to change column names, column 
order, all kind of things until you figure out the best organization of the 
views you need. It is a nightmare.


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