On 2017-05-16 12:25:03 +0000, Eric Hill wrote:
> I searched and found a few discussions of storing large files in the database
> in the archives, but none that specifically address performance and how large
> of files can realistically be stored in the database.
> I have a node.js application using PostgreSQL to store uploaded files.  The
> column in which I am storing the file contents is of type “bytea” with
> “Storage” type set to “EXTENDED”.

I have mentioned this little experiment before, but I finally put the
results on my web site: https://www.hjp.at/databases/blob-bench/

(Please note that so far I have run this only on one system.
Generalizing to other systems might be premature).

> Storing a 12.5 MB file is taking 10 seconds, and storing a 25MB file
> is taking 37 seconds.  Two notable things about those numbers:  It
> seems like a long time, and the time seems to grow exponentially with
> file size rather than linearly.
> Do these numbers surprise you?

Yes. on my system, storing a 25 MB bytea value takes well under 1 second.


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