On 05/12/2017 09:14 AM, Martin Goodson wrote:
On 12/05/2017 16:48, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 05/12/2017 08:30 AM, Martin Goodson wrote:
On 12/05/2017 16:18, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

The EDB installer allows you to specify where to install PostgreSQL, and uses /opt/PostgreSQL/<version> for the default. So yeah, mostly :)

My PATH is this:

So it should already be picking up the EDB pg_config :)

Just to be clear you changed the default install location to /postgresql/software/pg/9.6.2, correct?

For comparison purposes, here's pg_config when run from the cluster owner (testdb), which should pick up pg_config from the EnterpriseDB settings:

(testdb@repm:/postgresql/software/repmgr/repmgr-3.3.1$ type pg_config

Alright that is the EDB pg_config.

And THIS is the output of pg_config when run from another user:

(master@repm:~/repmgr-3.3.1$ type pg_config
pg_config is hashed (/usr/bin/pg_config)   )

The Ubuntu/Debian packages.

Should I have to somehow override any of that? Surely, if EnterpriseDB was built with the libs it specifies there I should be able to reference them?

Current output is:
testdb@repm:/postgresql/software/repmgr/repmgr-3.3.1$ sudo make USE_PGXS=1 install

Note the sudo, that changes you into a new environment that is not seeing your $PATH:


Hence my previous suggestion(***CORRECTED***):

PATH=<path to EDB pg_config>:$PATH make USE_PGXS=1 clean all
sudo PATH=<path to EDB pg_config>:$PATH make USE_PGXS=1 install

It is broken down into two steps, so the first step will clean up any previous attempts before going forward.

As mentioned : I don't have much experience with compiling on linux, so I may be missing something horribly obvious :)


Adrian Klaver

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