Hello. First time poster, so please be gentle :)
I have a PostgreSQL 9.6 database cluster running on a standalone Redhat
7.2 (Maipo) server.
This may seem like a silly question. It probably *is* a silly question,
so apologies in advance.
PostgreSQL was installed using the "EDB Postgres Standard" installer
from EnterpriseDB -
https://www.enterprisedb.com/software-downloads-postgres - and installed
to a specific location - /db_<dbname>. No repositories, nothing in a
'standard' place.
Output of pg_config is as follows:
BINDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/bin
DOCDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/doc/postgresql
HTMLDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/doc/postgresql
INCLUDEDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/include
PKGINCLUDEDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/include/postgresql
LIBDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/lib
PKGLIBDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/lib/postgresql
LOCALEDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/share/locale
MANDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/share/man
SHAREDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/share/postgresql
SYSCONFDIR = /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/etc/postgresql
CONFIGURE = '--enable-debug' '--with-libs=/opt/local/Current/lib'
'--with-ldap' '--with-openssl' '--with-perl' '--with-python'
'--with-pam' '--enable-thread-safety' '--with-libxml' '--with-ossp-uuid'
'--with-libxslt' '--with-libedit-preferred' '--with-gssapi'
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/Current/lib' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -DMAP_HUGETLB=0x40000'
CC = gcc
CPPFLAGS = -DFRONTEND -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/opt/local/Current/include/libxml2
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith
-Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute
-Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -g -O2 -DMAP_HUGETLB=0x40000
CFLAGS_SL = -fpic
LDFLAGS = -L../../src/common -L/opt/local/Current/lib -Wl,--as-needed
LIBS = -lpgcommon -lpgport -lxslt -lxml2 -lpam -lssl -lcrypto
-lgssapi_krb5 -lz -ledit -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm
VERSION = PostgreSQL 9.6.2
I have now been tasked with putting repmgr onto this box and converting
it from a standalone to a multiple node setup (I have two additional
servers lurking in the background ready for use :) ).
Numerous articles on repmgr all seem to suggest it should be a
relatively simply operation once the software is in place. Register the
master. Clone standbys. Ought to be *relatively* straight-forward.
Unfortunately, I'm having problems at the first hurdle - putting the
software in place. We initially tried installing from the postgres
repository rpm - which insisted, of course, on installing PostgreSQL as
well as repmgr in /usr/pgsql-9.6. Obviously not the right place for it
given we're running our binaries from /db_dbname/app/postgres/9.6.2-3/bin
Is there a simple way to use repmgr from the package, perhaps by
copying/linking files from that location to ours? (e.g. copying/linking
some files from lib, bin, contrib, etc).
Or am I looking at having to compile the source? I'm told it should be
'simple' but I've not compiled much software from scratch on linux, so
I'm a bit nervous about the prospect. Any advice would be welcome :)
Basically, am I going to be stuck compiling from source or is there a
way around this?
Many thanks.
Martin Goodson
"Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?"
"Yes, Jamie, I believe I have."
"What're you going to do?"
"Bung a rock at it."
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