I’m trying to write a function that manipulates whole rows. It returns the same type as the table it is being applied to, but when I select the function on the rows, I get a single column of row type, rather than separate columns.
My function looks like: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reporting.formatted_cust_by_state_bold(c reporting_helpers.customers_by_state_ranked) RETURNS reporting_helpers.customers_by_state_ranked LANGUAGE plv8 STABLE STRICT COST 1 AS $function$ if (c.rank == 1) { c['_meta'] = c['meta'] || {} c['_meta']['raw'] = c['_meta']['raw'] || {} c['_meta']['raw']['spent'] = c['_meta']['raw']['spent'] || {} c['_meta']['raw']['spent'] = "<b>" + c.spent + "</b>" } return c $function$ I do this: SELECT formatted_cust_by_state_bold(c) FROM customers_by_state_ranked c How do I get the results as a full table?