Hi all !

Every so often, when working with functions, errors get
reported with context information similar to this:

        Context: PL/pgSQL function "test_function" line 5 at SQL statement

Often, the function source is kept under version control (or
in a file annotated, commented, etc in certain ways) such
that the file line number does not correspond to the function
source line number.

In such cases, a typical approach would be to go and do

        \df+ test_function

which nicely produces function metadata and source as
contained in the database. For non-trivial functions it is,
however, slightly cumbersome to count the line numbers
onscreen (let alone line break settings).

Hence I wonder whether an approach along these lines:

                row_number() over ()
                || src_line
        from (
                        unnest(string_to_array(prosrc, E'\n')) as src_line
                        proname = 'FUNC_NAME'
        ) as func_src;

would be a worthwhile change to the query "\df+" uses ?

(Resorting to "\ef" won't align temp file lines with function
source line numbers either, because pgsql boilerplate is
needed for function definition etc.)

Thanks for considering,
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